Coreografía: Border Town Bar - Oliver Neundorf (DE) & Rico Zehe (DE)
Count: 64
Wall: 4
Level Intermedio
Choreographer: Oliver Neundorf (DE) & Rico Zehe (DE)
Music: Border Town Bar - Marc Miner
Wall: 4
Level Intermedio
Choreographer: Oliver Neundorf (DE) & Rico Zehe (DE)
Music: Border Town Bar - Marc Miner
S1: Kick 2x, rock back, step, pivot 1⁄2 l 2x
1-2 Kick right foot forward twice
3-4 Jump backwards kick forward with right / left foot - jump back onto the left foot
5-6 Step forward with right - 1⁄2 turn to the left on both balls, weight at the end on the left (6 o'clock)
7-8 As 5-6 (12 o'clock)
S2: Dwight swivels, vine r with stomp
1-2 Turn left heel to the right / touch right toe next to left foot, knee inward - Turn left toe to the right / touch right heel next to left foot, knee outward
3-4 As 1-2
5-6 Step to the right with right - cross left foot behind right
7-8 Step to the right with right - stomp left foot next to right (without changing weight)
S3: Kick 2x, rock back, step, pivot 1⁄2 r 2x
1-8 As step sequence S1, but mirror-inverted starting with the left (12 o'clock)
S4: Vine l with stomp, rock back, stomp 2
1-2 Step left with left - cross right foot behind left
3-4 Step to the left with left - stomp right foot next to left (without changing weight)
5-6 Jump backwards, kick forward with right / left foot - jump back onto the left foot
7-8 Stomp the right foot next to the left one twice (without changing weight)
S5: 1/4 Monterey turn r, jazz box with flick
1-2 Tap right toe on the right - 1⁄4 turn to the right and place right foot on left (3 o'clock)
3-4 Tap left toe on the left - place left foot next to right
5-6 Cross right foot over left - step back with left
7-8 Step to the right with right - left foot flick backwards
S6: Figure of 8 vine l
1-2 Step left with left - cross right foot behind left
3-4 1/4 turn to the left and step forward with left - step forward with right (12 o'clock)
5-6 1/2 turn left on both pads, weight at the end left - 1⁄4 turn left and step right with right (3 o'clock)
7-8 Cross left foot behind right foot - step right with right
(End: The dance ends after '3-4' - direction 9 o'clock; at the end '3⁄4 turn to the left and stamp the left foot in front' - 12 o'clock)
(Restart: In the 3rd and 6th round - towards 9 o'clock/ 6 o'clock - stop here and start over; on '8': 'Tap right foot next to left')
S7: Heel, touch, heel 2x, heel, heel, flick, scuff
1-2 Touch the left heel next to the right foot - Touch the left toe next to the right foot
3-4 Tap the left heel twice next to the right foot
(Option: instead of the 'heels', move the foot forward kick)
5-6 Tap jump to the left foot / right heel in front - jump to the right foot / left heel in front tap
7-8 Jump to left foot / snap right foot backwards - swing right foot forward, heel let drag on the ground
(Option: instead of the 'heels', kick your foot forward)
S8: Out, out, in, in (V-steps), applejacks (toe fans r + l)
1-2 Step diagonally to the front right with right - small step to the left with left (only put on the heel)
3-4 Step back to the starting position with right - put left foot next to right (a little apart)
5-6 Turn left toe / right heel to the left - turn feet back again
7-8 Turn left heel / right toe to the right - turn feet back again (weight at the end on the left)
Repeat until the end
Fabiana Rodríguez
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