Coreografía: Border Town Bar - Oliver Neundorf (DE) & Rico Zehe (DE)


Count: 64
Wall: 4
Level Intermedio
Choreographer:   Oliver Neundorf (DE) & Rico Zehe (DE)

Music: Border Town Bar - Marc Miner

Note: The dance begins with the use of the chant

S1: Kick 2x, rock back, step, pivot 1⁄2 l 2x

1-2 Kick right foot forward twice
3-4 Jump backwards kick forward with right / left foot - jump back onto the left foot
5-6 Step forward with right - 1⁄2 turn to the left on both balls, weight at the end on the left (6 o'clock)
7-8 As 5-6 (12 o'clock)

S2: Dwight swivels, vine r with stomp

1-2 Turn left heel to the right / touch right toe next to left foot, knee inward - Turn left toe to the right / touch right heel next to left foot, knee outward
3-4 As 1-2
5-6 Step to the right with right - cross left foot behind right
7-8 Step to the right with right - stomp left foot next to right (without changing weight)

S3: Kick 2x, rock back, step, pivot 1⁄2 r 2x

1-8 As step sequence S1, but mirror-inverted starting with the left (12 o'clock)

S4: Vine l with stomp, rock back, stomp 2

1-2 Step left with left - cross right foot behind left
3-4 Step to the left with left - stomp right foot next to left (without changing weight)
5-6 Jump backwards, kick forward with right / left foot - jump back onto the left foot
7-8 Stomp the right foot next to the left one twice (without changing weight)

S5: 1/4 Monterey turn r, jazz box with flick

1-2 Tap right toe on the right - 1⁄4 turn to the right and place right foot on left (3 o'clock)
3-4 Tap left toe on the left - place left foot next to right
5-6 Cross right foot over left - step back with left
7-8 Step to the right with right - left foot flick backwards

S6: Figure of 8 vine l

1-2 Step left with left - cross right foot behind left
3-4 1/4 turn to the left and step forward with left - step forward with right (12 o'clock)
5-6 1/2 turn left on both pads, weight at the end left - 1⁄4 turn left and step right with right (3 o'clock)
7-8 Cross left foot behind right foot - step right with right

(End: The dance ends after '3-4' - direction 9 o'clock; at the end '3⁄4 turn to the left and stamp the left foot in front' - 12 o'clock)
(Restart: In the 3rd and 6th round - towards 9 o'clock/ 6 o'clock - stop here and start over; on '8': 'Tap right foot next to left')

S7: Heel, touch, heel 2x, heel, heel, flick, scuff

1-2 Touch the left heel next to the right foot - Touch the left toe next to the right foot
3-4 Tap the left heel twice next to the right foot

(Option: instead of the 'heels', move the foot forward kick)

5-6 Tap jump to the left foot / right heel in front - jump to the right foot / left heel in front tap
7-8 Jump to left foot / snap right foot backwards - swing right foot forward, heel let drag on the ground

(Option: instead of the 'heels', kick your foot forward)

S8: Out, out, in, in (V-steps), applejacks (toe fans r + l)

1-2 Step diagonally to the front right with right - small step to the left with left (only put on the heel)
3-4 Step back to the starting position with right - put left foot next to right (a little apart)
5-6 Turn left toe / right heel to the left - turn feet back again
7-8 Turn left heel / right toe to the right - turn feet back again (weight at the end on the left)

Repeat until the end

Fabiana Rodríguez

Licencia de Creative Commons

Este obra está bajo una licencia de Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional.

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